Zoey Clare

Zoey Clare is a visual artist who blurs the lines between analogue & digital processes.

Zoey’s visual eye was honed while attending film school and developed into a career when Zoey was thrown into the role of photographer on film sets. From there, Zoey owned a successful media business, working alongside and managing a team of photographers, videographers and editors to produce various media content for both small and large-scale events.

Zoey has had work exhibited nationally and internationally, received awards for their work in film and photography, and has collaborated with a number of artists on large-scale art projects.

Since moving to the Island in 2017, Zoey has been exploring analog and alternative developing processes as a resident artist in the TOSH Darkroom.

Zoey Clare can be contacted for commissions through their website: zoeyclareh.com

To see Zoey’s process & latest work, follow them on Instagram: Zoeyclareh

The Process

Introduced by Sir John Herschel in 1842, Cyanotype mixes two chemicals together with water to form a solution that is sensitive to ultraviolet light. Once exposed to light the solution develops a deep blue colour referred to as Prussian Blue. It was used extensively in blueprint making.

Zoey combines their digital photography skills with analog developing and archaic processing.

A digital image is first taken and edited in photoshop then converted to a negative. A transparency is printed from the digital image. A sheet of watercolour paper is coated with the Cyanotype solution and dried. The transparency is placed on the coated paper and then exposed to ultraviolet light, creating a positive contact print. The print is then placed in a bath of fixing solution to lock in the colour and then in a water bath before being dried and flattened.


For Sales Inquiries please call 250-752-6133 or email info@theoldschoolhouse.org